Beirut, Hamra main street, Al Saroulla Building, 10th Floor, Office #118
+961 3 938 736
Mount Lebanon, El Maten, Jdeideh, La Tour Center 3rd floor
+961 81 937 100
The Certified Management Accountant (CMA®) designation provides corporate management and individual members with an objective measure of knowledge and competence in the field of Management Accounting.
The Certified Management Accountant (CMA) holds global recognition across more than 150 countries, with remarkable certifications earned worldwide. This certification serves as a catalyst for accounting and finance professionals, propelling them to higher positions within companies and organizations. On average, CMAs enjoy significantly elevated annual compensation compared to their non-certified counterparts. Employers, recruiters, and organizational leaders recognize that CMAs bring not only skills but also strategic prowess to the table. Attaining CMA status establishes a connection to the International Management Accountants (IMA) global network.
Classes are available in the BFC Office, Online Live through the Zoom Application, or through a special link you can watch on our website.
Eligibility Requirements for CMA exam:
Our Study Materials include:
Job opportunities for CMAs are available in all industries. Titles include:
Employment Outlook and Salary Statistics
The IMA 2021 Salary Survey shows CMAs earn 58% more in median total compensation compared to non-CMAs. In the age bracket of 30-39, CMAs experience a substantial 50% higher median salary compared to those without certification. The impact of certification on professional confidence is evident, with an impressive 88% of surveyed CMAs attesting to its positive influence.
Additionally, the approximate lifetime Return on Investment (ROI) for a CMA, calculated for every hour of exam preparation, amounts to $1,696.
These statistics underscore the significant advantages and tangible benefits that the CMA certification brings to accounting and finance professionals.